Senin, 15 April 2013

ABTRACK konsep diri pasien kemoterapi

Student Thesis, 16 August 2009


Analysis of Self Concept Patient with Cervical Cancer in Chemotherapy in Midwifery Room Hospitalization Installation Public Hospital of Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang 2009.

(xvii + 61 pages+ 5 Tables +2 Schemas  + 8 attachment)

Cervical cancer is cancer that happen at cervix uterus, a reproducing organ that entrance to womb located between womb (uterus) and vagina.
This research purpose to get indepth information about self Concept Patient Cancer of cervix with Chemotherapy in Midwifery Room hospitalization Installation of Public Hospital Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang 2009. As for informants is patient with cervical cancer, officer that giving chemotherapy, family of patient with cervical cancer. This Research Design use qualitative approach with indepth interview and observation method. Then summarize information, making transcript and matrix and then analyzed by using content analysis and interpreted.
Result of this research concluded that patient with cervical cancer have trouble with self concept supported with patient hair fall, skin change into blackly, patient wear cowl, nausea and vomit, and patient feel inferior. Self value of patient with cervical cancer has disturbing, that support with patient only accompanied by their child or family, not their husband. self identity of patient with cervical cancer disturbing because patient do not conduct sexual activity as usual. self role of patient with cervical cancer disturbing, because patient do not get role in society and family like previously.
Expected to Hospital more paying attention to self concept of patient cervical cancer by giving counseling, involved family especially husband in chemotherapy. Expected to STIK Bina Husada to be more multiply reference related to self concept. Expected result of this research become reference to researcher itself and also other researcher so can continue next research with different method

Bibliography : 17 (1998-2009)

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